1420-587 BC | Edomites inhabit Petra |
312 BC | Antigonus (Seleucid Asian ruler) attacks Petra’s Nabataens, later the Greek are defeated there by the Nabataens |
168 BC | Antiochus IV sentences High Priest Jason to exile who is then imprisoned by Nabataen’s first priest, King Aretas |
70 BC | Jerusalem fall under control of Aretas; Roman General Scaurus (commissioned by Pompey) forces Nabataen to retreat |
70 AD | The Nabataen king Malichus IV sends 5,000 horsemen and 1,000 soldiers to aid Titus to squelch the Jewish uprising, this left Jerusalem and the temple destroyed. |
105 AD | The Roman emperor Trajan adds the Nabataen territory to the Roman ruled region of Arabia. |
326 AD | With Christianity the official religion of Rome, Petra becomes Byzantine; 4 churches are built. |
638 AD | Byzantine armies are defeated by Muhammad’s forces; Petra’s Christians are given religious freedom. Petra is abandoned by the end of the 7th century AD. |
1099 AD | 1st the Crusader king, Baldwin, builds a succession of castles the length of Jordon, (2 of them in Petra) attempting to gain control over the gulf of Eilat, the gateway to the Indian Ocean. |
1187 AD | Well-known Muslim leader Saladin wipes outs the crusader fortresses and then moves on; Petra was a ‘lost city’ until rediscovered in 1812 by Swiss explorer, Johan Burckhardt (1784-1817). |
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