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The Holy Shroud of Turin

QUESTION: Why do some people call it "the Holy Shroud of Turin"?


The holy Shroud of Turin is considered to be a "holy" cloth by many who believe the Shroud of Turin, located in Turin, Italy, is the same burial cloth in which Jesus, the Son of God, was buried in when he succumbed to death upon the cross after brutal physical torture.

In order for us to come to some kind of a decision ourselves as to the question of whether this Shroud is the holy burial cloth of Jesus, let us look at the Word of God which is our main source of inspiration and guidance into this matter. I will include Scriptures here which I also want you to look up and decide for yourselves if this is the holy Shroud of Turin. I am not going to sway you in any particular definite decision, but present to you the facts as they have been found by scientific research and the Word of God.

Let us first look at the word, "holy." The dictionary defines the word, "holy," in this manner - "belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power." In other words, the Shroud of Turin has been labeled by many Christian believers as the divine shroud belonging to Jesus, Himself.

Let us now look at the Shroud. I am going to include the gospel account as recorded in the Word of God along with the appropriate Scripture reference, and what the Shroud evidence indicates.

  • Jesus was scourged. The scripture reference is Matthew 27:26 (also in Mark and John). Evidence indicates the body was covered with 120 wounds on the back and legs, and the weapon was a Roman flagrum. There is also evidence there were two men who administered the whipping from different angles.

  • Jesus was struck with a blow(s) to the face.Scripture reference is Matthew 27:30 (also Mark, Luke, John). There is severe swelling below the right eye and the nose is swollen or broken.

  • Jesus was crowned with thorns. Scripture reference is: Matthew 27:29 (Also Mark, John). There is noticeable bleeding from the scalp, and thorn fragments were discovered on the cloth.

  • Jesus had to carry the cross. Scripture reference is: John 19:17. There are noticeable shoulder wounds indicating a heavy item (such as a cross) was placed upon His shoulders.

  • Jesus' cross had to be carried for Him after a while. Scripture reference is: Matthew 27:32 (also Mark, Luke). The knees of the man on the Shroud appear to be severely damaged as if from repeated falls.

  • Jesus was crucified by nailing hands and feet. Scripture reference: John 20:25. There is an indication of clear blood flows from nail wounds in the wrists and feet.

    Jesus' legs were not broken, but a spear was thrust into His side. Scripture reference: John 19:31-37. It has been noted from the holy Shroud of Turin the legs of the man were not broken, and there is evidence that points to a wound on the side rib that indicates an infliction from a Roman lance.

  • Jesus had a Jewish lineage. Scripture reference is: Matthew 1:6. The Shroud has a face resembling that of a Jewish descendent.
Now, let us look at the customs of burial in the time of Jesus, as well as what the Word of God says as to how Jesus was buried (John 19:38-41). In the Word of God, there is reference pertaining to the fact, Jesus was wrapped in pieces of linen. Another man by the name of Lazarus was also buried in like manner. After the death of Jesus, His body was removed from the cross. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus took Him to Joseph's tomb where Jesus would be buried. He was wrapped in the pieces of linen and burial spices were poured over the strips which hardened like a plaster cast hardens around a bone. Then, a long cloth, called a Shroud, was placed over the pieces of linen. It is surmised that since the Sabbath was drawing close, Joseph and Nicodemus did not have time to finish the job so the women who followed them saw where He was buried and returned home. They would bring the spices to finish the job later. When they returned, which was the first day of the week (Sunday), they saw the stone rolled away.

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