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Who Created the City of Petra

QUESTION: Who created the city of Petra?


The City of Petra was founded by a nomadic people called the Nabataeans. The Nabataeans, though unknown as to why, settled in the valley below Mount Hor and developed a culture that helped spread commerce throughout the Roman Empire and other surrounding cultures. Though eventually overtaken by the Romans and the city lived in by a number of later cultures the Nabataean people thrived in their day through agriculture, art, and literature (known basically from the inscriptions found on the walls of the old city because all other Nabataean literature has been lost over time). The various drawings and architecture in the City of Petra provide evidence that the Nabataen people were very creative and inventive. Some reports say that close to or more than 30,000 people may have lived in the city during its prime years of existence.

Located within the city are highly advanced (for the late 7th century BC) water channels which suggest that the Nabataeans not only were architecturally creative but were probably also attracted to the location due to a healthy water supply nearby. A healthy water supply to all civilizations is important especially when it is met with a natural defense system. The city, located in the midst of a large sandstone valley was very difficult to get to or conquer. With water freely flowing in and enemies held at a safe distance without the risk of life, the Nabataeans learned to live peacefully and fruitfully.

City of Petra - Learn More!

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